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  • Our Company - Feyz International

    Our Company Feyz International is part of the Feyz Global group that operates in multiple countries around the world. The historically grown focus of the group's activities lies on the transportation & logistics, international trade, construction, private military and security industries with a special emphasis on business in Europe and Middle East. However, the functional competencies also comprise financial services, investments, event management and business consulting. Our Values Our Community A positive future for humanity is achievable. However, in all areas of society, building a better tomorrow requires the unlocking of resourcefulness. That is why we give our time and expertise to support communities and inspire people, especially those who are disadvantaged, to become the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. Our Organisation Our History 2018 Established Feyz & Co LLC in Paris ​ 2019 Opened business bases in Europe ​ 2020 Service operations start in France Dissolved Feyz & Co LLC 2021 Established Feyz International LLC in Moscow Service operations start in Russia ​ 2022 Opened a branch in Paris Service operations end in Russia Headquarters location changed ​ 2023 Service operations start in Turkey

  • Latest news (Venture capital securities) - Feyz International

    The role of venture capital securities in entrepreneurship For entrepreneurs to flourish, they need funding: venture capital is financial capital provided to early-stage, high-potential, high-risk, growing entrepreneurial companies. Venture capital is particularly attractive for new companies with a limited operating history that are too small to raise capital in the public markets, and have not reached the point where they are able to secure a bank loan or complete a debt offering. In exchange for the high risk that venture capitalists (VCs) shoulder by investing in smaller and less mature companies, venture capitalists usually get a significant portion of the company's ownership (and consequently their value). ​ Once a VC decides to invest in a venture, the involved parties need to settle on a deal structure. When negotiating the deal structure, parties need to keep a few considerations in mind: ​ The deal structure needs to protect the VC against losses and should encourage entrepreneurs to work hard to make the venture a success. Most VC investments are illiquid, which means that unlike shares of listed companies, they cannot be sold very easily. Finally, most investments are characterized by asymmetric information. In general, the entrepreneur knows more about the venture than the investor. ​ VCs typically use convertible preferred equity to finance ventures. As the name suggests there are two important features of these securities: conversion and preferred. Investors of convertible preferred equity have the option of either holding a debt-like claim -preferred equity or converting into common equity. Converting into common equity implies sharing ownership in the venture with the entrepreneur. Preferred terms make it similar to a loan (debt), gives holders a right to interest payment (dividends) and additionally gives preference in payments over common equity. In other words, the preferred feature ensures that preferred investors are paid before common equity holders. In a typical deal, VCs would hold preferred equity and the entrepreneur common equity, thus the VC can get paid before the entrepreneur if the venture does not do well. However, if the venture succeeds and its value increases, the VC would convert the preferred equity into common equity and share the fruits of this success with the entrepreneur. ​ AAnother feature of VC investments is that they are done in stages. VCs would never provide all the capital upfront to a venture; instead, they would only provide sufficient capital to reach the next milestone. Once the capital has been used up, the entrepreneur has to raise another round of financing to reach the next milestone. The advantage of staging is that VCs can stop financing if the venture is not doing well. It can also be advantageous for the entrepreneur, as the terms can be made more favorable to them if their venture is successful. Staging also helps reconcile the aforementioned asymmetric information levels between entrepreneurs and VCs, since future investments are only made based on past outcomes. ​ Finally, in addition to providing capital, VCs also monitor and guide the venture. The structure of most deals is designed to ensure the monitoring role of VCs. While VCs do not hold the majority of shares, they would have the right to nominate members to the board of directors. These rights help the VC monitor progress and guide the venture and gives them the power to replace managers if operations are not going smoothly. ​ Having discussed the general features of VC investments, we will now explore details of some specific securities used in VC contracting. It must be noted that convertible preferred securities come in various flavors. Dr. Arcot analyzes one such security called participating convertible preferred security (PCP), used widely in venture capital contracts (Arcot, 2014). Participating convertible preferred stock gives its holders the right to be paid first (before common shareholders generally held by the entrepreneurs) and at the same time, allows them to participate in excess earnings (i.e., the cash flow after all debt and preferred claims have been satisfied) along with the common stockholder. PCP holders thus concurrently hold both a debt-like claim (preferred equity) as well as an equity claim (participation rights). However, PCP holders lose their preferred rights if they convert this PCP stock into common stock. His research explores why venture capitalists are willing to convert their PCP stock into common equity and give up their preferred rights. ​ He proposes a signaling model for PCP stock based on its role in venture capital exits. The two major forms of exits observed in venture capital are the initial public offerings (IPOs) and the trade sale. IPOs are exits where shares of the venture are sold to investors and then listed on the stock market and trade sale is a transaction in which a venture is sold to another company. Typically, a PCP stake is converted into common equity during an IPO exit, but is not converted in a trade sale exit. The model shows that VCs can signal the quality of their venture in an IPO by converting their PCP stake into common equity and giving up some of their cash flow rights. By giving up something during an IPO, VCs are signaling to investors that the venture is of a high quality. Signaling is of particular importance in an IPO, because in an IPO shares are sold to new investors who do not have access to documents to analyze the venture’s performance. Investors in an IPO typically have to rely on a bank to perform the due diligence and hence are thus relatively uninformed about the venture. In contrast, potential trade buyers are given access to documents, which they can analyze to reach conclusions about the venture’s quality. Since trade buyers typically come from the same industry as the venture, they are likely to have industry knowledge and are better equipped to interpret the information provided. ​ When exit is through an IPO, the entrepreneur retains control of the firm. Thus, when the firm value is high, an IPO exit rewards the entrepreneur and should be the preferred exit route. However, the VC may be reluctant to take that route, given that investors in an IPO are less informed and the VC may not get the full value for his stake. When the firm value is high, the VCs may prefer to target investors who are more informed and get a higher value for their stake. In other words, exit through a trade sale. However, the interests of VCs and entrepreneurs are more easily aligned when the VCs convert their PCP stakes into common shares and exit through an IPO. ​ Venture capitalists investing in start-ups use sophisticated financial instruments to structure their investments. This article provides a rationale for the use of one such instrument, PCP stock, based on the venture capitalist’s exit strategy. In doing so, it makes a connection between the exit route and entrepreneurial effort. This highlights factors that have direct implications for the incentives of venture capitalists to invest in ventures and entrepreneurs to exert effort to make them a success. ​ by Sridhar Arcot , 04.01.22 ​ Source: Knowledge Lab

  • Services - Feyz International

    Services Our management consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, technology, transformation, digital, advanced analytics, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions and sustainability across all industries and geographies. Analytics Feyz International helps you extract maximum value from your data, no matter where it resides or what format it takes. Our analytics experts work closely with you to tackle your most daunting challenges so you not only see results quickly but build the internal skills you need to extend your own data mastery. Marketing Strategy Our team of international experts can help you achieve sustainable, organic growth by focusing on three critical ingredients: an external approach that puts customers first, a uniquely great customer experience and an internal capability that ensures optimum customer interaction at every touch point. Cost Transformation True cost transformation is about simplifying, refocusing and strengthening your organisation so you can continue to grow and deliver a better customer experience. Our approach is holistic and customisable, enabling you to cultivate, encourage and continuously improve a sustainable cost management culture. Advisory Services Financial & Tax Advisory Restructuring Services * Transaction Services Financial Accounting and Operations Corporate Tax Strategy International Tax Business Tax ​ * including Portfolio management and FDI/FPI solutions in EEA, Turkey, CIS and Rus sia Audit & Risk Advisory Risk management * Audit Services ​ * including Forensic accounting services Legal Advisory Dispute Resolution Regulatory & Compliance Legal Entity Management Commercial Law Digital Law Corporate Law Private Clients Legal Services Advisory FDI and FPI in EEA, Turkey and CIS * Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment ** (EEA) European Economic Area Feyz International's Foreign Investment Advisory Service helps clients develop, implement and evaluate their European investment strategies. We provide experienced consultants with local knowledge, drawn from our legal departments, who can provide clients with a competitive advantage and the assurance that investments in Turkey and CIS comply with the law. ​ If you are considering investing in CIS, Turkey, Russia or a EEA country, we can help you with: ​ - Advice on paving the way for smooth FDI in Turkey (Guiding Principles, Rules and Regulations for FDI in EEA/Turkey/CIS) - Comprehensive support in setting up any preferred business, professional, manufacturing or service structure in any economic sector in the form of joint ventures, subsidiaries, mergers and acquisitions, branches, etc. - Support and legal services in setting up a business in EEA/Russia/CIS/Turkey ​ - Advice on all matters of registration, incorporation and compliance with European/ Russian/Turkish regional and central authorities. Consulting Services Management Consulting Business Process Management Sourcing & Procurement Supply Chain Management Organisational Operations Digital Strategy Organisational Strategy Business Model Transformation Corporate Strategy Human Capital Strategy HR Function Talent Management Compensation & Benefits Learning & Development Sales & Marketing Consulting Digital Marketing Customer Experience Branding Sales & Channel Management Pricing Marketing Return on Investment Insights & Analytics * ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ * including Market research IT Consulting IT Security Data Analytics ERP services Engineering Project Management * IT Strategy / Implementation Research & Development Digital Transformation ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ * including Technical advisory For additional information on our services, please contact our experts on : ​ For existing clients and partners, please contact a Feyz International professional directly. Consulting

  • Article (IT initiatives) - Feyz International

    DOING GOOD WHILE DOING WELL: THE CASE OF BUSINESS IT INITIATIVES ​ How can organizations do good (help the environment) while doing well (boosting economic growth)? While both worthy goals, they can be at odds with each other, creating a dilemma for organizations who wish to both contribute to environmental sustainability while maintaining economic growth. ​ All that glitters is not green ​ Information technology (IT) is a major driver of economic and social development, but such advancement comes at a high environmental cost. Organizations’ reliance on IT has led to increased computing power and the development of large data centers that provide analytics and cloud computing services. These result in increased energy consumption, higher carbon emissions, and more electronic waste. This has led to the development of green IT initiatives to address the environmental consequences, meaning IT products and services that reduce the negative impact and improve sustainability. The existing research supports the idea that launching green IT efforts can improve sustainability outcomes, for example by managing energy consumption. Other examples of green IT initiatives include powering data centers with renewable energy sources, reducing waste from out-of-date computing equipment, and encouraging telecommuting/remote administration for reduced transportation-related emissions. There are a number of ways to go about a green IT initiative, but they all require a concerted effort from staff and involving IT processes and IT products. ​ This is likely to be a significant technological trend with wide-reaching social implications. However, all that glitters is not green, and implementing green IT measures comes with complications such as disruption to existing systems, unpredictable returns and market demand, cost, and how stakeholders will react. This leads to the dilemma between doing good while doing well: while companies may wish to do good by implementing green IT initiatives, they may have legitimate concerns about how this will affect their bottom line (doing well). Indeed, much of the research has focused on the sustainability implications and less on the economic ones. This dilemma led the researchers to examine the drivers that impact an organization’s motivation to adopt green IT initiatives and their link to this reconciliation between sustainability and profit. ​ What drives this process? ​ To explore this question, the researchers conducted a qualitative study on eight organizations in China and Singapore, as it is crucial to explore how green IT implementation plays out in the real world as opposed to an experimental setting. The companies operated in telecommunications and IT-related industries. All eight were large companies with over 3000 employees, and all eight were pioneers of green technology. The research team used a multi-prong data collection approach, conducting interviews and clarifying information via emails and phone calls, field observations, and archival data. ​ They looked at both internal and external drivers, separating them into three categories: competitiveness, legitimation, and ecological responsibility. Internal drivers, or organizational drivers, include factors like stakeholders’ attitudes, economic considerations, and technology skills. External drivers include factors like policy and industry pressures, like regulations on waste disposal and energy consumption. Breaking it down further, competitiveness is the link between ecological actions and long-term profitability; legitimation is the organization’s drive to align its actions within a certain set of norms or regulations; and ecological responsibility refers to an organization’s thoughts about its duty to society and its values. ​ Looking at the results, the researchers found that green IT practices were seen as essential strategic considerations for these companies. They also found that organizations did not always manage to reconcile the gap between sustainability and profit through meeting the objectives of competitiveness, legitimation, and ecological responsibility. For companies that noted a significant amount of government pressure, an external driver, only a middling level of reconciliation was achieved. Organizations tended to have one main driver, like government pressure for Chinese companies and corporate social responsibility for the Singaporean companies, but were also motivated by the other drivers. Overall, the organizations tended to be most motivated by cost reduction, market drivers, government pressure, and corporate social responsibility. ​ For reconciliation of sustainability and profit, the researchers found that the time frame matters: while IT initiatives tend to require a short-term investment, they will bring long-term benefits that surpass the initial investment. The strategy deployed also plays a role: one company invested in hybrid cloud computing, which set them apart from the competition, which will ultimately improve profits. Having a green image is also a competitive advantage, as it can boost customer satisfaction. Additionally, the dilemma becomes less of an issue in cases where companies experience external pressure, like from the government or external stakeholders. If going green is essential for market success, the financial investments become less of a consideration and more of a requirement. This shows that the dilemma can play out in different ways, and it is important to consider how both internal and external factors will impact the implementation of a green IT strategy. ​ Takeaways ​ IT services are ubiquitous in business and management, meaning that organizations and managers need to prioritize the implementation of green IT. Organizations may have different motivations for doing so, motivations that may fall into the categories of competitiveness (economic pressure), legitimation (shifting norms) or ecological responsibility (doing the right thing). These categories can include both external and internal factors. ​ In practice, this highlights two main ways to motivate companies to implement green IT practices: ​ A combination of pressure from the government and corporate social responsibility obligations Aligning green IT measures with the goal of improving profits by satisfying market demand and reducing operating costs ​ The researchers note that the latter is more sustainable, but that the former may be able to stimulate progress by implementing incentives (tax breaks) or punishments (high energy costs). ​ The climate crisis is increasingly urgent, and helping the environment requires an “all-hands on deck” approach. With soaring IT needs and their accompanying environmental consequences, green IT processes are likely to be a trend that won’t go away any time soon. With this research, we gain a better understanding of what motivates organizations to take on green IT initiatives and how they can reconcile “doing good” with “doing well”, enriching our understanding of the drivers of business IT initiatives, an understanding that can help organizations seeking to take such initiatives themselves. ​ Further reading ​ Yang, X., Li, Y., & Kang, L. (2020). Reconciling “doing good” and “doing well” in organizations’ green IT initiatives: A multi-case analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 51, 102052. ​ by Yan Li , 17.05.21 ​ Source : Knowledge Lab Essec

  • Our Sponsors - Feyz International

    Become a sponsor for our event and place your product or service in the hands of leading industry executives. This is a unique opportunity to network and discuss specific pain points and issues with guaranteed budget holders and decision makers. ​ Sponsorship packages are available for all budgets, but slots are limited. Apply now to secure your spot! If you are interested in sponsoring our event or would like more information about our sponsorship packages, please fill out the sponsor application form or contact us: Sponsorship Application Form To sponsor our event, please take the time to fill out the information below. Continue Why become our Sponsor Reach a new audience Our summits and conferences will give you direct access to C-level executives of innovative companies. These leaders are usually busy and very hard to reach. Networking opportunities The corporate events team will take care of the introductions. You can then turn your new acquaintances into trusted business partners. The program includes networking breaks, cocktail receptions, four-course lunches, and more. Return on Investment In today's economy, marketing budgets are very limited, and the return on investment is more than expected. With this in mind, our summits and conferences are a smart investment. You will get back more than you invested. Exclusive Audience You will be able to present your program or product to senior executives with real buying power. All events are invite only; your time will be spent benefiting an exclusive audience of IT and business decision makers. You'll get more technology leads as it is more than just a business conference. One-on-One Business Meetings Take advantage of a unique opportunity to meet one-on-one in an intimate environment with industry executives and thought leaders in attendance. You'll be able to discuss program or product details and address individual concerns. Creative sponsorship packages. Feyz International's sponsorship packages are fully personalised and unique. You can attend networking events, participate in panel discussions, present a case study, receive technology proposals and more. Our Sponsors Yandex is a technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning. Our goal is to help consumers and businesses better navigate the online and offline world. Since 1997, we have delivered world-class, locally relevant search and information services. Link in AVECTIS CJSC is one of the leading solution providers and system integrators in Belarus operating in RCIS and CEE countries. AVECTIS has been successfully operating in the information technologies market since 1994 and implemented complex integrated projects for national and foreign customers. Link in Today Technoprom is a dynamically developing IT company that creates effective solutions for the development of the digital economy. By establishing strategic partnerships with leading technology providers, Technoprom offers its customers the highest quality business solutions and a wide range of services. Link in

  • (Article) Library - Feyz International

    Library CONSUMER FINANCE IN THE DIGITAL AGE: LEVERAGING BIG DATA AND TECHNOLOGY TO PERSONALIZE PROTECTION Have you ever wondered why consumers tend to make suboptimal financial decisions, and why financial firms are often in a position to exploit them? Clearly, this is due in part to consumers’ biases and limited rationality... BIG DATA AND THE LEAN STARTUP APPROACH AS TOOLS FOR INNOVATION IN LARGE FIRMS Can larger firms face and survive the challenge of startups? The one question that comes to mind these days is whether they are still capable of fostering innovation... SOCIAL ACCOUNTING: A TOOL FOR MEASURING CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY Corporate social responsibility is an increasingly popular topic in the corporate world and beyond, highlighting a need for best practices and a stronger understanding of what it really means to be a sustainable business... DOING GOOD WHILE DOING WELL: THE CASE OF BUSINESS IT INITIATIVES How can organizations do good (help the environment) while doing well (boosting economic growth)? While both worthy goals, they can be at odds with each other, creating a dilemma for organizations... GDPR COMPLIANCE IN LIGHT OF HEAVIER SANCTIONS TO COME - AT LEAST IN THEORY Ridiculously low ceilings on administrative fines hindered the effectiveness of EU data protection law for over twenty years. US tech giants may have seen these fines as a cost of doing business... EU SUSTAINABLE GROWTH REGULATIONS: THE CHALLENGES OF TRANSPARENCY, COMPARABILITY, AND LEADERSHIP With the European Green Deal of December 2019 supporting long-term signals to support green investments, and the proposed European Climate Law as a framework for... HOW TO BUILD A PROACTIVE WORKFORCE: TRAINING PROBLEM SOLVERS OR STRATEGIC CHANGE AGENTS? Employees who take a proactive approach at work – who speak up with suggestions, try to bring about improvements, and take initiative – generally perform better, are more satisfied with their job, and progress more quickly in their career... SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THANKS TO THE DATA FOOTPRINT From accelerating sales to optimizing operational processes, digital impacts the value chain in every aspect. If the digital revolution generates an inevitable modernization of companies and a hope of value generation, it also provokes a major challenge for organizations: Data... A DAWN OF DATA REVOLUTION AND WHAT'S AT STAKE? ​ It is estimated that by year 2025, individuals and businesses alike will produce about 463 exabytes of data per day globally and there will be an estimated 175 zettabytes of data in the global data sphere. Businesses use data for a variety of reasons; including but not limited to analyzing customer behavior...

  • Latest news (Cyber risks) - Feyz International

    Why cyber risk assessments should be a part of your business strategy Every day brings with it the news of yet another company falling victim to a cyberattack. The costs the affected businesses face are enormous: lost critical data, stolen assets and damaged reputations. But despite these very real threats, company leaders may resist committing the necessary resources to prevent them. After all, no one wants to pay for more than they need. This goes for cybersecurity as much as any other business expense. That’s why it’s vital for C-suites to include cybersecurity as part of their capital planning. And the key to that is determining what “just enough security” is for the organization to meet its business goals. What’s the best way to determine how much security is “just enough”? Most C-level executives are accustomed to making overall business decisions based on risk. An effective risk management program identifies true risks to the business and determines how to reduce those risks to an acceptable level. Including an acceptable level of cyber risks into the organizational risk management program makes cybersecurity a part of the overall business strategy. And the best way to do this is to undergo a cybersecurity-related risk assessment. This helps translate the costs of what it could take to prevent unacceptable levels of cybersecurity risks or to reduce them to an acceptable level. These costs can then be included in budgetary calculations and overall risk management plans. According to the SANS Institute , “the ability to perform risk management is crucial for organizations hoping to defend their systems. There are simply too many threats, too many potential vulnerabilities that could exist, and simply not enough resources to create an impregnable security infrastructure. Therefore every organization, whether they do so in an organized manner or not, will make priority decisions on how best to defend their valuable data assets. Risk management should be the foundational tool used to facilitate thoughtful and purposeful defense strategies.” Many frameworks and industry standards, such as those offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and ISO, provide guidelines for conducting risk assessments and implementing controls (best practices) to mitigate or prevent security risks. In general, risk assessments help organizations determine their inherent security risks by doing the following: Identifying, estimating, and prioritizing risk to their operations. Determining the possible threats from bad actors that can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the information they are processing, storing, or transmitting. Identifying what measures or controls are in place to protect the critical assets and what measures/controls are lacking. Following recommending preventive measures and investing in security upgrades to reduce high levels of risk. What does this mean? It depends on the type of business. Because as these examples show, not all risks are created equal. A bank storing and processing large amounts of financial data or a hospital maintaining extensive patient records would be very concerned with the confidentiality of their data and the damage to their customers and patients if hackers accessed or leaked it. A risk assessment could tell them that they need to prioritize their resources toward protecting the confidentiality of their data with privacy-related controls and other security measures. The risk assessment might also indicate that they are vulnerable to a ransomware attack, so they should implement a recovery plan and perform daily and weekly system backups. But the risk assessment may indicate there is less risk to the availability or integrity of their data, so they would not need to invest as much in these areas. Researchers developing intellectual property may be concerned both about outside actors wanting to steal their discoveries or insiders willing to sell them to competitors. The risk assessment might indicate that they are indeed vulnerable to such attacks. So they might prioritize increasing resources on instituting protective, access and monitoring best practices . They might also invest in awareness training to educate staff on recognizing phishing emails and other social media campaigns as well as internal threats. The risk assessment could suggest they have fewer risks to the confidentiality of this data, so they would not concentrate resources on protecting this area. Once company leaders have identified the critical assets they most want to protect, have an idea of what cyber threat might attack these assets and how vulnerable their assets are to an attack, and understand how severe such an attack would be to their ability to function, they can make informed decisions on how to target their resources toward addressing the risks with the most significant impact to their business. A risk assessment turns intangible concepts such as security, risk, and prevention into tangible realities with actual costs attached. Undetected/unprevented cyberattack equals financial ruin. And that’s an inevitability that every C-suite must face in today’s interconnected world. ​ by Baan Alsinawi , 05.11.21 ​ Source:

  • Events - Feyz International

    Events We offer a diverse range of corporate events to C-level executives and business owners, from monthly Tech/Business Leadership Conferences ideal for medium and large business owners to exclusive annual IT Leadership Summits. See below our range of event opportunities we provide, ideal for growing your network. Upcoming Events Tech Leadership Conference 2024 About the Event Zürich, Switzerland Business Leadership Conference 2024 About the Event Paris, France IT Leadership Summit 2024 About the Event Milan, Italy Business Leadership Conference 2024 About the Event Brussels, Belgium Tech Leadership Conference 2024 About the Event London, UK IT Leadership Summit 2024 About the Event Istanbul, Turkey Upcoming Become our Sponsor! All attendees must submit an application and our corporate events managers will review all requests. If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with more information on the event. Please note that only officially confirmed participants can attend the event. Access to the event is free* and open to individuals that meet at least one of the following criteria: ​ - All C-level executives, SVPs, VPs and Directors from ( $1B+annual turnover ) commercial organizations ​ - CIOs, CDOs, CTOs, CISOs, DPOs, IT Directors, CFOs, CMOs, SVPs and VPs from ( $250M-$1B annual turnover ) c ommercial organizations ​ - CIOs, CDOs, CTOs, CISOs and DPOs from ( $250M-$25M annual turnover ) government, education, nonprofit and commercial organizations ​ Eligible enterprises: - Large enterprises with (5,001+ ) employees - Medium enterprises with (1,001-5,000 ) employees ​ - Small enterprises with (500-1,000 ) employees Event Registration Form To register, please take the time to fill out the information below. Company Size Continue * (some slots are open for an additional fee) There is no media and no presentation elements, it is an open and free flowing roundtable conversation. Form Testimonials " Feyz International IT Leadership Summit in Istanbul is clear and very useful for IT sector leaders. Thank you for all your efforts for this event. I was very happy to attend this event with industry leader executives. " ​ Sait Reçber Data Management Senior Manager & CDO " This was a valuable event for IT leaders which gathered professionals and let them exchange knowledge and build relationships. It was a great experience for me and now I have highly experienced IT professionals in my network thanks to Feyz International. " ​ Kıvanç Kantürk Chief Technology Officer " All the participants were great and I had a great time discussing various topics with different leaders. " ​ Ata İsmet Özçelik Eastern Europe & Turkey Digital Director IT Leadership Summit / Tech Leadership Conference Technology is part of our daily lives and even more so in our professional environment. The goal of this invitation-only event is to encourage discussions and dialogue on what it means to be a successful IT executive and to provide tools and strategies to assist current and emerging leaders. We urge our leaders to confidentially share their experiences and plans while hearing from inspirational and visionary speakers. We explore and share the main topics amongst which artificial intelligence, fintech, cybersecurity and the metaverse are the most popular. We encourage you to come and meet some of the biggest players when it comes to cloud computing, big data security, customer service and enterprise technology. Coming together will not only expand your networks and knowledge, you can meet the industry specialists and learn more about their expert services. In addition to the unprejudiced atmosphere, this conference will be enlightening, energetic and fruitful. We anticipate your presence there! ITLS/TLC Business Leadership Conference After the difficult past few years, economies are slowly being restored. This is an opportunity for us to build back better, more sustainably and responsibly. Our Business Leadership conference aims to bring leaders together to discover new ideas and exchange new insights. The expectations among our business pioneers are extremely high for reuniting physically, and this is why Feyz International is bringing the new Business Leadership conference to the best hotels which will be enriched with inspiring talks, relevant content and effective networking. This conference will give you an opportunity to recognise solutions that will bring value to your business. With the new trends and cutting-edge technologies, businesses need to adopt and adapt to them to increase their efficiency. Not only you will have the chance to brainstorm on current issues but valuable advice from keynote speakers will be brought forward. An energetic Business Leadership conference awaits you. Along with the spontaneous and exceptionally straightforward atmosphere, this conference will be stimulating, vibrant and highly actionable. We look forward to welcoming you there! BLC Discover our Job Offers

  • Article (Proactive workforce) - Feyz International

    HOW TO BUILD A PROACTIVE WORKFORCE: TRAINING PROBLEM SOLVERS OR STRATEGIC CHANGE AGENTS? Employees who take a proactive approach at work – who speak up with suggestions, try to bring about improvements, and take initiative – generally perform better, are more satisfied with their job, and progress more quickly in their career. For organizations, a proactive workforce which anticipates changes and is willing to contribute to innovation is seen as a competitive advantage. So how can organizations encourage employees to be more proactive? ​ Previous research has highlighted two potential avenues for organizations wishing to increase the proactivity of their workforce: hiring new human resources with particular personalities and skills sets, or changing the work context, for example by enriching existing employees’ work. However, these strategies often encounter two issues that may block their implementation: the lack of opportunity to hire due to difficult economic or budgetary contexts, and the lack in means and resources to enrich job roles. It therefore falls to training and development to offer a feasible approach to promoting employee proactivity. Indeed, in the United States alone, organizations spent over $165 billion on employee training and development in 2013. But how should training approaches aimed at encouraging proactivity in the workforce be designed? And which training approaches are most effective for employees with different needs and priorities? ​ Karoline Strauss, together with Sharon K. Parker of the University of Western Australia, decided to carry out research to address these questions. “It was clear to us that the training approach an organization should take would depend on the type of proactivity it is looking for in its employees”, says Prof. Strauss. The researchers suspected that a different training approach would be needed to encourage employees to become proactive in solving problems they encountered in their day-to-day work, or to encourage them to involve themselves in strategic change and become proactive in shaping the future of the organization. The researchers developed two distinct training interventions focused on encouraging these two types of proactivity. ​ The researchers then recruited 112 volunteers from a police force in the North of England. The volunteers were randomly allocated to one of the two training approaches, or to a third group that received no training whatsoever. “To test whether the training approaches were effective in promoting proactivity, we compare employees who took part in the training to employees in this third group”, explains Prof. Strauss. “This means that we can rule out that employees throughout the organization became more or less proactive because of other changes that took place during the time of our study”. The researchers then tracked employees over 9 months to see if their proactivity increased. The findings showed that both training approaches were potentially effective in encouraging employees to be more proactive, but that employees’ needs and preferences determined whether the training worked for them. ​ Prof. Strauss’s findings showed that employees faced with a high workload were most likely to respond positively to the training approach aimed at encouraging them to be proactive problem solvers. “These employees felt swamped by the demands they were facing”, states Prof. Strauss. “We succeeded in training them to approach their job in a more proactive way and take charge of challenges and obstacles they were facing”. Training these employees to identify problems in their job and to develop ways to address these problems helped them to find more efficient ways of completing their day-to-day tasks. ​ On the other hand, the training approach aimed at encouraging employees to become more proactive in shaping the future of the organization was most effective for those who are generally more focused on long-term rather than short-term benefits. Employees who were more interested in the short-term did not respond to the training approach in the same way – they did not become more proactive. “Our findings really show that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to proactivity training”, explains Prof. Strauss. “For organizations who want to enhance proactivity in their workforce this has two important implications. First, what kind of proactivity do they expect? Do they want employees to become proactive in overcoming obstacles and finding more efficient ways of working, or do they want employees who think about the long-term future and about strategic change at the organization level? Second, organizations need to consider the situation the employee is in. What are the employee’s needs and preferences? Pushing somebody who is generally not very interested in the long-term to contribute to bringing about a vision of the organization in the future is unlikely to be effective in making them more proactive, and our findings suggest that it can even backfire”. ​ Prof. Strauss’s work has been recognized for the strength of its experimental design which rules out alternative explanations for changes in employee proactivity. However, she suggests that more research is needed on the effects of training interventions on employee proactivity. “Our study is an important first step in determining which type of training approach can be effective in encouraging employees to be more proactive, and who is most likely to respond positively to the training. But can we, for example, combine the different training approaches, and are there other ways in which employees and organizations can benefit from proactivity training?” Further research will need to explore these questions in other organizational settings. ​ by Karoline Strauss , 03.10.16 ​ Source : Knowledge Lab Essec

  • Article (Dawn of Data Revolution) - Feyz International

    A DAWN OF DATA REVOLUTION AND WHAT'S AT STAKE? ​ ​ It is estimated that by year 2025, individuals and businesses alike will produce about 463 exabytes of data per day globally and there will be an estimated 175 zettabytes of data in the global data sphere. Businesses use data for a variety of reasons; including but not limited to analyzing customer behavior, providing relevant ads, customer centric product trends and analyzing market value. ​ Thus today data is imperative to a business. As a result most companies are increasingly focusing on their data policies, individuals and businesses are increasingly concerned about ethics surrounding data and privacy laws. But even as these laws emerge, the time taken to comply with these laws officially or unofficially is not very promising. ​ In fact, in a report recently added to the net, it was disclosed that it takes companies about 62 days to discover a high severity data breach and another 71 days to disclose the said breach. Thus, purely relying on a business to do the right thing when it comes to data breaches and data privacy ethics is not enough. ​ Kuber Signal is a company that wants companies to be held accountable/responsible by the individual for their data related decisions. The company quantifies privacy policies for other companies into a standard 4-point metric and a final Goodness score that's comparable across board and then shows these scores to the individual so they can decide what companies keep their data safe. ​ The metrics are: 1. Personal Data Privacy Goodness Score 2.Behavioral Data Privacy Goodness Score 3.Technical Data Privacy Goodness Score 4. Data Sharing Goodness Score Each metric measures how much of an individual data is stored, used and shared by the Company, that individual is a customer of the company then shows what companies in the same industry, selling the same product, rank higher than the individual's company of choice. The company can also track public information around other companies and aims to provide users with the right tools and information so an individual can stay up to date with their specific security concerns, be it companies or other security threats and make better informed choices. ​ Kuber Signal ultimately provides the user with a privacy score that can help them evaluate them online behavior and help mitigate their data related threats. Kuber Signal is founded by a Data Scientist and a cyber-security expert whose expertise lies in investigating brands for their security posture using AI algorithms. The mission of the company is to ensure an individual is aware of their security posture and a know-how into how to improve it. The company also provides individual security assessment, cyber news and information on relevant scams in the individual's playground. In conclusion, data privacy and ethics have never had more value than in recent and coming years. Today a data breach is nothing less than a home invasion of yesterday. ​ This may sound extreme but almost every bit of useful information about a person is somewhere on the internet with some company whose 'terms and conditions' the customer didn't read and if a malicious actor gets access to that data, the consequences for the individuals can be devastating. ​ by P. Observer, 07.12.22 ​ Source : Factiva

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